We ran a ‘Design our new home card’ competition in August at our Alton office, encouraging kids to get creative and take part during the summer holidays. Up for grabs was a huge haul of family board games.
Choosing a winner from all the bright, colourful and imaginative entries was a tough job for director Jacqui deSilva and the team. After much deliberating they agreed their favourite design was by eight year old Hannah-May. Hannah-May, from Ipswich, was in Alton for the summer visiting her grandmother who lives in the town.
As you can see from the picture Hannah-May was delighted to have won the competition and with so many games to play with she has decided to give some of them to her local church for their Christmas toy appeal. We think that’s such a kind and generous idea Hannah-May.
A huge thank you to everyone who took part in our competition and congratulations to our very worthy winner.
Hannah-May’s winning entry.